World’s Most Dangerous Retrospective: Ken Shamrock vs. Jimmy Jacobs BLOODYMANIA III


JCW Bloodymania III 

Cave-In-Rock, Illinois


Dan owes my eardrums an apology for sharing this match. I had it at less than 10% volume on YouTube, and I still think I have ear damage. If you decide to watch it, you might unfortunately need to mute the video.

This really isn’t much of a match. It’s neat that Shamrock’s sole “match” in about a 15 year span is available in some form, but the juggalos have to be told to stop throwing trash in the ring. Jacobs doesn’t do anything other than enter the ring, get murked, and walk out. That’s probably for the best. It’s fun to see the masked ref revealed as Dan Severn, but this did not move me. I am not down with the clown in this moment. My Faygo remains unspilled.



Between this match and the new weekly Juggalo Championship Wrestling YouTube show, JCW LUNACY, Violent People is officially juggalo pilled at this point. 

Despite that, this is a match I didn’t know existed until a few months ago. This is Shamrocks only match between a late 2004 TNA appearance and showing back up in Australia in 2018. The lineup to this whole show is honestly insane. It features Abdullah the Butcher, Bull Pain, Trent Acid, Sid Vicious, Butterbean, Heidenreich, Viscera, among others. 

We’ve got fancam footage from the front row. Before we can get under way the ring announcer has to ask fans to stop throwing trash into the ring. Just great stuff. This match has a special guest referee who comes out wearing a mask. 

The match starts out with our boy Shamrock Manhandling little Jimmy Jacobs. The mystery ref breaks up the first pin attempt. He then ignores Jimmy tapping out to an ankle lock. Jimmy nails and heads to the back having hit literally zero offensive maneuvers. 

There’s more trash throwing and arguing between Ken and the hooded ref. Until the big reveal of Dan Severn under the mask. The fans legitimately pop huge for the reveal. This is almost more of an angle than a match. You don’t need to go out of your way to watch it but it’s a fun time. It’s also funny that it’s Jimmy Jacobs in the spot that could’ve been literally any wrestler.

Rating: Sadly SOFT


*Ask Dan or someone for a transcript of what Dan Severn says. Something about being part of the Juggalo family I think? That can’t be right.*

Dan Severn should have worn a Destroyer mask instead. Shoutout to the Upstate NY legend Dick Beyer.



Sam DiMascio
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Co-Founder of Violent People, Host of Talking Tourneys, We Don't Know Wrestling, Desert Island Comp.