Sitting here looking at a piece I was typing up five years ago for my personal blog discussing the We Don’t Know Wrestling 2010s. A project that concluded the four years of WDKW100s, a list similar in all but name to the Violent People 100, and would help to fill in the gaps in defining the best wrestlers of the decade. I talked about the Greatest Wrestler Ever poll in 2016, how that changed discussion around wrestling, how all the old guard walked into the desert. And how discourse had changed in recent years. Well zooming forward from 2019 to 2024, things continue to change but somehow things feel more similar than dissimilar compared to the type of discourse at the time.

What is old is new again, and we are once again looking to define the best wrestler of the 2010s, the VP2010s as it will be henceforth named. Violent People will be hosting a poll for the best wrestlers of the decade that was the 2010s (2010-2019), based on in-ring performance.

Time and distance from the end of 2019, we have seen folks (okay mostly Simon doing gargantuan work over at Handwerk) take a look back at the decade since with further perspective. Now it is time as a group to tackle the same idea. On a truncated timeline certainly. There is something unique about trying to analyze the work of a wrestler’s decade versus a single year. In some ways, it feels like a weird mashup of your brain on GWE and your brain on VP100. It is an extended period of time but it is not all-time, leading to compromises in both directions. Does one great year outweigh a fuller schedule throughout the decade? You must decide that for yourself. With GWE 2026 on the horizon, no better time to concentrate on the work most likely to have not been dug through on a community scale.

The 2010s poll results for your reference:

2010 (WKO100)

2011 (WKO100)

2012 (WKO100)

2013 (WKO100)

2014 (WKO100)

2016 (WDKW100)

2017 (WDKW100)

2018 (WDKW100)

2019 (WDKW100)

Join the Violent People Discord today and talk about your watches in the VP2010s channel. Tag all your tweets with #VP2010s. We don’t have message boards so this is going to be our best way to at least create some sort of discussion on the project. We want to hear about your top contenders, who is rising or falling, and maybe some discoveries you make along the way. Heck, if you want to write about one of your favorite wrestlers, would love to see what we could put on Violent People. You make a VP2010s post on your blog? Yeah, we’ll RT, spread the word.


  • Ballots Due: 12/1
  • Results Rollout: 1/2

For this we used a weighted scoring system for this. An alteration on the Pat LaPrade method:

1-125 pts
2- 115 pts
3- 110 pts
4- 105 pts
5- 102 pts
6- 99 pts
7- 96 pts
8- 94 pts
9- 92 pts
10- 91 pts

Then this continues all the way down. We introduced a 50-person ballot this year which is weighted the same BUT starts off 50 pts less.


Sam DiMascio
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Co-Founder of Violent People, Host of Talking Tourneys, We Don't Know Wrestling, Desert Island Comp.